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New year 2018 is coming

倒數的日子 總是特別快 活在 2 0 1 7 看向 2 0 1 8 一個新的開始 一個新的結束 不改變的是 堅持 不動搖的是 初心 人生 無法重來 青春 只能回憶 從現在 就讓後悔一一減少 未來得道路 無人知曉 唯獨自己 Happy New Year 2108 !! A...

You are wanted, you are you.

Be yourselves. Only you know who are and the way you are going to be. It couldn't been instead, and it would not be either. ~Picture from...

Wonderful dinner time at Boston Pizza

Since the holiday is coming, it's time for celebration! However you don't want to cook as usual, what restaurant you should choose to go?...

Follow the heart to fly

Sometimes I think... I want a dream to come true I want the hope to rely on Where are they? I know that they're in my mind How to find...

Enjoy Christmas specially once a year

The simple happiness is somewhere in the world. Music is art, and is life. Don't need words...

Even loneliness belongs to feelings

Feel lonely. Find yourself. Everyone must belong somewhere in the world. Before give up for the life, remember that you belong to...

Forever Love

Life with loves. Love yourself. Welcome everyone ! My personal blog now is created, can't wait to share my thoughts and stories! “Forever...

The sky


 shinning stars

Tell me your stories if you like !

Let us count the stars together and share our own life with the lovely sky. Feel free to subscribe my page and see what happen in this little cute world!


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restaurant and food pictures and details 

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